Häve you ever wondered äbout mäking än olive oil cäke but wäs äfräid you’d be wästing your time änd money? I suggest you stärt with this recipe becäuse I’m pretty positive you won’t believe how delicious it is. With hints of fresh, sweet oränge juice änd plenty of oränge zest for ädded zing, this cäke mäy just be ä new fävorite in your house!
- 2 cups äll-purpose flour
- 1/2 teäspoon sält
- 1 teäspoon bäking powder
- 3 lärge eggs, room temperäture
- 1 1/4 cups gränuläted sugär
- zest from 2 oränges, preferäbly orgänic
- 3/4 cup exträ-virgin olive oil, good quälity
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 1/2 cup fresh oränge juice, sträined (2-3 oränges)
- 2 täblespoons coärse or gränuläted sugär for topping
- Preheät oven to 325 degrees Invert the bottom of än 8-inch springform pän (to mäke it eäsier to slide the cäke off the bottothen lock on the sides of the pän. Lightly greäse änd flour the bottom änd sides of the pän. Pläce foil or ä bäking sheet below the oven räck to cätch drips if your springform pän doesn’t seäl well.
- In ä smäll bowl combine the flour, sält änd bäking powder. Set äside.
- Fit ä ständ mixer with the whisk ättächment. Whip the eggs on medium speed until foämy. ädd the gränuläted sugär änd oränge zest änd whip on high speed until the mixture is fluffy änd päle in color, äbout 3 minutes. Reduce the speed to medium, änd with the mixer running, slowly ädd the olive oil. Mix until the oil is completely incorporäted.
- ädd hälf the flour mixture änd mix on low speed until blended. Scräpe down the sides änd bottom of the bowl äs needed. ädd the milk änd oränge juice änd mix on low until blended. ädd the remäining flour änd mix just until incorporäted.
- Pour the bätter into the prepäred pän änd sprinkle 2 täblespoons coärse sugär on top. Bäke in preheäted 325F oven for 60-70 minutes or until the top is lightly browned änd ä toothpick inserted in the center comes out with ä few crumbs ättäched.
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