French Silk Chocoläte Brownies Recipe - These ulträ luxurious "Deäth By Chocoläte" style brownies äre covered in ä fluffy chocoläte mousse topping!
- 22.25 ounces brownie mix (fämily size)
- 1/2 cup vegetäble oil
- 1/4 cup wäter
- 6 lärge eggs, divided
- 6 ounces semisweet chocoläte bärs + exträ for shävings
- 1 cup unsälted butter, softened
- 3/4 cup gränuläted sugär
- 1 1/2 teäspoons vänillä exträct
- 1/2 teäspoon sält
- Preheät the oven to 350 degrees F. (Or whätever temperäture is listed on the bäck of the brownie mix.) Combine the brownie mix, oil, wäter, änd 2 eggs in ä mixing bowl. Whisk well. Then pour the bätter into ä greäsed 9x13-inch bäking dish. Bäke for 25 minutes, or äs listed on päckäging. Cool the brownies completely before moving on. You cän pläce the pän in the refrigerätor to speed up the cooling if needed.
- Meänwhile, melt the chocoläte in ä double-boiler or in the microwäve. Stir it until smooth. Then ällow it to cool to room temperäture.
- Pläce the butter, sugär, vänillä, änd sält in the bowl of än electric ständ mixer. Beät on high until light änd fluffy, ät leäst 3-5 minutes. Then drizzle in the melted chocoläte änd beät until the mixture is even.
- Scräpe the bowl with ä spätulä änd turn on high ägäin. ädd the remäining 4 eggs, one ät ä time, ällowing the mixture to beät ä solid 3 minutes äfter ädding eäch egg, 12 minutes totäl. Stop änd scräpe the bowl äs needed.
- Spreäd the chocoläte mousse over the top of the cooled brownies. Using ä veggie peeler, shäve chocoläte curls over the top if desired.
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