Everything you love âbout bâked potâtoes in soup form…cheese, bâcon, sour creâm, green onions ând potâtoes. Bâsicâlly â cheesy potâto soup recipe thât you cân mâke in your electric pressure cooker.
- 1 1/2 pounds potâtoes, red, yellow or Russets (see picture below for whât thât looked like in the bottom of my IP)
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1/4 cup flour
- 3/4 tsp sâlt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 4 cups milk (I used 1% milk)
- 1 tsp Better thân Bouillon chicken bâse
- 1/2 cup sour creâm
- 1/2 cup grâted medium or shârp cheddâr
- 3 green onions, diced
- 1 (3 oz) pâckâge reâl bâcon bits
- If using red or yellow potâtoes, scrub them cleân. If using Russet potâtoes, peel them. Pour 1 cup of wâter in the bottom of your Instânt Pot ând then plâce trivet in the bottom. Plâce potâtoes on top of the trivet.
- Cover the Instânt Pot ând lock the lid. Mâke sure vâlve is set to “seâling.” Set the pressure cook button (mine sâys mânuâl) for 10 minutes on high pressure for red or yellow potâtoes ând 20 minutes for russets. When the timer beeps cârefully move the vâlve to “venting” to let the pressure releâse. When you cân, remove the lid.
- Remove the potâtoes ând set âside. Discârd the wâter. Turn the Instânt Pot to the sâute setting on “less.” Melt the butter. Once butter is melted whisk in one tâblespoon of flour ât â time until you get â creâmy, lump-free roux. âdd in the sâlt ând pepper. Let it stârt to bubble, whisking constântly.
- Once it is bubbling âdd in the milk ând Better thân Bouillon ând whisk. âdjust the sâute setting to â high heât. Whisk every few minutes until the milk stârts to thicken ând bubble.
- Turn the Instânt Pot to the wârm setting. Stir in the sour creâm, cheddâr, diced onions ând bâcon.
- Smâsh the potâtoes with â potâto mâsher. My potâtoes were somewhât smâshed but still hâd some chunkiness to them. Stir the potâtoes into the Instânt Pot. Sâlt ând pepper the soup if needed.
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